momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Daily average of natural gas consumed in electricity generation 2023
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Daily average of natural gas consumption in industries 2023
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Oil and petroleum products stock rate 2023
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Crude oil and petroleum products imported 2023
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Annual report of Jordan Atomic Energy Commission for the years 2022 and 2023
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات consumption
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Number of subscribers
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Revenues
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Number and types of licensed Radiation protection
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The total number of detected cases
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The type and quantities of the exported raw materials
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Readings of the nuclear monitoring plants measured on a daily basis
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Number and types of licensed quarries
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of licenses and permits in the mining sector
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of licenses and permits in the petroleum and petroleum products sector
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Reports of radiation exposures and workers whose radiation exposures were evaluated
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Renewable energy systems linked to the electricity distribution network according to the net meterin
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Radiation examinations and warnings at the border crossings
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Licenses and permits for renewable energy
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The Kingdoms consumption of oil derivative
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of decisions and sessions of the Executive Council
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات regulating electricity tariffs
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Imported Natural Gas 2023
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Natural gas produced 2023
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Oil derivatives consumption quantity for the year 2023
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Oil derivatives production quantity for the year 2023
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات development of the electricity industry
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات company objectives
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات company objectives
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات about the national electricity company
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات about the national electricity company
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