Jordan post offices located in the governorates and their geographical coordinates [2020]
Field | Value |
Title English | Jordan post offices located in the governorates and their geographical coordinates |
Title Arabic | مكاتب البريد الاردني المنتشرة في المحافظات واحداثيتها الجغرافية |
Description English | This data represents the post offices in each governorates according to their directorate and their geographical coordinates. |
Description Arabic | تمثل هذه البيانات مكاتب البريد المنتشرة في كل المحافظات كل حسب مديريته و احداثياته الجغرافية. |
Slug Name | jordan-post-offices-located-in-the-governorates-and-their-geographical-coordinates-405-2020 |
Government Entity | Jordan Post Company |
Resources Count | 1 |
Total Downloads | 2 |
Data Sectors |
The Government and Public sector
Keyword Tags English |
geographical offices post |
Keyword Tags Arabic |
بريد جغرافية محافظة مكتب |
State | active |
Private | False |
Last Updated | January 12, 2025, 20:16 (UTC) |
Created | March 3, 2020, 06:43 (UTC) |
Dataset Year | 2020 |