
Ships deleted from under the Jordanian flag [2021]

This data set shows the names, numbers, and types of ships deleted from under the Jordanian flag, and the date they were deleted


Field Value
Title English Ships deleted from under the Jordanian flag
Title Arabic السفن المشطوبة من تحت العلم الأردني
Description English This data set shows the names, numbers, and types of ships deleted from under the Jordanian flag, and the date they were deleted
Description Arabic توضح هذه المجموعة أسماء السفن المشطوبة من تحت العلم الأردني وأرقامها وأنواعها وتاريخ شطبها
Slug Name ships-deleted-from-under-the-jordanian-flag-933-2021
Government Entity Transport Regulatory Authority / Jordan Maritime Authority
Resources Count 2
Total Downloads 69
Data Sectors Transportation
Keyword Tags English ships ; deleted
Keyword Tags Arabic السفن ; المشطوبة
State active
Private False
Last Updated January 12, 2025, 20:40 (UTC)
Created August 1, 2021, 06:46 (UTC)
Dataset Year 2021