
Preparing complaints suggestions and praise received by the Bureau which were duly studied and res [2020]

Preparing complaints, suggestions and praise received by the Bureau, which were duly studied and responded to during the year 2020


Field Value
Title English Preparing complaints suggestions and praise received by the Bureau which were duly studied and res
Title Arabic اعداد الشكاوى والإقتراحات والثناء الواردة للديوان والتي تم دراستها حسب الأصول والرد عليها خلال عام 2
Description English Preparing complaints, suggestions and praise received by the Bureau, which were duly studied and responded to during the year 2020
Description Arabic اعداد الشكاوى والإقتراحات والثناء الواردة للديوان والتي تم دراستها حسب الأصول والرد عليها خلال عام 2020
Slug Name preparing-complaints-suggestions-and-praise-received-by-the-bureau-which-were-duly-studied-2222-2020
Government Entity Civil Service Bureau
Resources Count 1
Total Downloads 3
Data Sectors The Government and Public sector
Keyword Tags English complaints
Keyword Tags Arabic الشكاوى
State active
Private False
Last Updated January 12, 2025, 21:37 (UTC)
Created May 14, 2023, 07:20 (UTC)
Dataset Year 2020