
The Kingdoms consumption of oil derivative [2022]

shows the kingdoms consumption of each oil derivative in million litters


Field Value
Title English The Kingdoms consumption of oil derivative
Title Arabic استهلاكات الممكلة للمشتقات البترولية
Description English shows the kingdoms consumption of each oil derivative in million litters
Description Arabic يوضح استهلاك المملكة من كل مشتقات نفطية بالمليون لتر
Slug Name the-kingdoms-consumption-of-oil-derivative-2774-2022
Government Entity Energy & Minerals Regulatpry Commission
Resources Count 1
Data Sectors Energy
Keyword Tags English Consumptions
Keyword Tags Arabic استهلاكات
State active
Private False
Last Updated January 12, 2025, 22:01 (UTC)
Created September 11, 2023, 06:18 (UTC)
Dataset Year 2022